Next Up Artist of the Week: Stephen Puth

Stephen Puth is our KIIS Next Up Artist of the Week! Originally recorded in June of 2019, Stephen dropped by the KIIS FM studios to chat with EJ about getting his start, songwriting inspirations and more. Watch above as the 'Sexual Vibes' singer shares his story of moving from a career in finance to interning at a record label, to eventually becoming a full fledged artist.

If there's one thing you should take away from Stephen's music - it's that his aim is to provide a 'soundtrack' to your everyday life.

First and foremost, if I'm not talking about things that people understand, why am I writing music? There's times when I was younger when I would listen to other people's songs. I remember I listened to a James Blunt song - I didn't even break up with anybody but it was so sad, that when I did finally break up with somebody in my teenage years...that was my anthem. I'm not saying I want sad people to relate to my music - you know, it could be a happy feeling. I was at this party, I was at the beach, wherever. As long as it can help their memory of nostalgia, I think that's really cool because we take for granted memory I feel like. If you need a soundtrack to your life, and one of my songs could be it - to me that's pretty awesome.

Puth also performed two acoustic versions of his songs 'Look Away' and 'Half Gone.' Check that out below.

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