So I Have No Mirrors For The Next Couple Weeks...

If you see me in the next few weeks and my outlooks likes a little wacky... please don't mention it.

So I'm staying in an Airbnb while our house is done being remodeled. And, you know how these things go, you have no idea what they necessarily look like before you rent them!

So we didn't realize until we moved in that this place straight up doesn't have mirrors.

OKAY, that is an exaggeration.

There is one mirror on the medicine cabinet in the bathroom... but that's IT.

So I can only see myself from the shoulders up!

I've been going as far as using my phone camera to check my outfits and see how they look.

ALSO, my husband Michael is going to a bachelor party and I'm thinking about already taking a trip down to my parents house this weekend to see my dogs... I miss them that much. Oooops!

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